


Is the a dice necessary and needed in the board game? This and many other questions were addressed at the lecture of Wojciech Chuchl and Przemysław Wojtkowiak from the Rebel company. The session was held on the first day of the KIDS’ TIME

Wojciech Chuchla and Przemysław Wojtkowiak lecture was  targeted at toy stores owners
Wojciech Chuchla and Przemysław Wojtkowiak lecture was targeted at toy stores owners

The 45-minute presentation of Chuchla and Wojtkowski presented the diversity of mechanics in contemporary board games: ranging from games family, party through Eurogames to ameritashe and logic games.

The lecture at intermediate skills users in terms of board games. Representatives of Rebel raised the basic issues related to board games. As the lecturers said and emphasized, their presentation is a hint for toys shop owners. The way to help advise clients on which game to choose, to match it appropriately to the player's age or the occasion.

The listeners learned about the advantages of family games, what are the Eurogames and what mechanics are sealed in. Of course, the latest trends discussion was a must.  Wojciech Chuchla and Przemysław Wojtkowski spoke about, inter alia about legacy games, the latest games with the applications, deductive games, escape room games and drafts.

The 10th International Fair of Toys and Products for Mother and Child KIDS' TIME is held it Targi Kielce from 20 to 22 February 2019.  

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