


Never before have we seen such a great Świętokrzyskie Rabit Show This year's event will see as many as 1301 rabbits registered by breeders! Those who love animals are invited to join Targi Kielce’s event held on 7 and 8 December

Record breaking Rabbit Show on December 7 and 8 at Targi Kielce
Record breaking Rabbit Show on December 7 and 8 at Targi Kielce

The most frequently represented breeds:  Belgian Giant Gray, Viennese Light Silver and New Zealand White. Hermelins and midgets will be waiting for smaller rabbits lovers -  over 100 animals were also registered to participate in the  1st Club Show of Redish-brown Rabbits. The organizer of the exhibition, Sylwester Klimek, the president of the  Świętokrzyskie Breeders Association of Pedigree Rabbits and Small Livestock emphasizes- Never before have we seen so many registrations.  234 rabbits were presented at Targi Kielce 2 years ago, we thought it was an unbeatable record.   2019 goes down in history as the record - he adds.

Świętokrzyskie Rabbit Exhibition  is held parallel to the  50.  Regional Carrier Pigeons Exhibition and the Swietokrzyskie Exhibition of Pedigree Pigeons and Decorative Poultry. Exhibition of Pedigree Pigeons and Decorative Poultry. 
